
Created on 5 August, 2024 • 95 views • 1 minutes read


Welcome to the DirectDemocracyS website. For us, it is a pleasure and an honor to have you here.

Let me briefly introduce you to the political organization DirectDemocracyS. Innovative, and alternative, to all the other old traditional political forces. Born to change and improve the world, starting with politics. It is based on complete freedom, which ends only where the freedom of another person begins, on authentic democracy, and not on oligarchic party politics, which is also present in countries that declare themselves democratic. Created, with a politically perfect ideal, using logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people. It puts into practice, together, equality and meritocracy, continuous over time. It is the only one that allows voters to have complete and correctly informed control over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. I advise you to search for DirectDemocracyS on the main social networks and visit our website, which is safe, fast, easy to consult, protected, and does not contain invasive advertising. I am sure that you will find a lot of useful information to begin to understand that positive results are only achieved with a commitment from everyone, to choose and decide together, every rule and law, which influences our lives, and those of future generations. https://www.directdemocracys.org/ If you like it, join us and help us make DirectDemocracyS known to as many people as possible. Thank you.

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